What is a Blog? I barely know, but I gather that you publicly opine about stuff in hopes that people will come to regard you as a pundit, and follow your musings, thereby increasing your gravitas. People near and dear to me have told me that I must start a blog. They must feel that I'm gravitas-challenged, and they may be right. So here I am blogging away:
At first I assumed that all my opining would be about music and audio, and that's why I named my blog accordingly. So sorry if you thought I was going to talk about music and audio. But I am not going to this time. There is so much more in this world to opine about. For instance tongue twisters: I like 'em! I don't actually like reciting them, but I love to make up ornate ones.
Such as:
Silly Shelly sells she-crabs while
Silly Sally shells sea-crabs
Try saying that once, let alone five times fast!
Or my current favorite:
Choosy Suzie's special sushi skins,
Choice of choosy sushi chefs
If you have a favorite tongue twister, please share it with the class. You have those comment boxes. Use 'em for Pete's sake!
I will be back at some time in the future talking about serious music and audio stuff. And I will be very pundit-like. Really.
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